
Address ul. Marszałkowska 28, Warszawa
Origin United Kingdom
Movie genre Drama, Romantic
Venue's website
Length 93 min
Director Harry Macqueen
Links IMDB
Release 2020
Ranking 66 %

Performing: Colin Firth, Stanley Tucci, Pippa Haywood, Peter MacQueen, Nina Marlin, Ian Drysdale, Sarah Woodward, James Dreyfus, Lori Campbell, Daneka Etchells, Halema Hussain, Julie Hannan, Truffles, Imogen Barnfather, Ruth Crane

Sam and Tusker are traveling across England in their old RV to visit friends, family and places from their past. Since Tusker was diagnosed with dementia two years ago, their time together is the most important thing they have.

Movie trailer

Supernova  Official Trailer  0 5 2:17 9 ×

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